12 Pink and Red Roses Bouquet #42

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12 Pink and Red Roses Bouquet:

Is your special someone's birthday coming up?
Or maybe you just want to show them how much you care? Either way, this 12 Pink and Red Roses Bouquet is the perfect way to show your affection! Our talented florist will arrange the bouquet beautifully, making it a truly special gift.
Here are some more reasons to love this bouquet:
- The roses are a symbol of love, making this an ideal gift for a romantic occasion.
- The mix of pink and red roses is stunning and sure to please.
- The bouquet comes with a free vase, so it's ready to display as soon as it's received.

Important: If this pink rose is not available, then it would be replaced with the all red color roses.

Your purchases include a complementary message card.

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